Friday, February 8, 2013

Revitol Stretch Mark Reviews

Revitol Stretch Mark Cream is used for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. However, you need to keep in mind that stretch marks are essentially scars, and even though this product will help you greatly improve the appearance of your existing stretch marks, you will probably not be able to get rid of them completely. So prevention is the key, which means that if you are currently pregnant, it would be a good idea to start using this cream as soon as possible.

This product contains ingredients, such as squalene oil, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin A and grapefruit seed extract that increase the elasticity of your skin and make it stronger. It can also help your skin to produce new cells, which will ameliorate the appearance of existing stretch marks. So, even though the best time to start using this product is during the early stages of pregnancy, it is never too late! You can get a result even after the stretch marks are formed.

Now let’s talk about the ingredients.

Squalene oil is derived from olive oil isolates and has powerful regeneration properties that can allow the skin to start its regeneration process, which makes scars, and stretch marks less visible over time. Vitamin D3 is produced when your skin gets exposed to the sun and can increase the production of new skin cells. However, you would need a lot of sun exposure to reap the benefits of Vitamin D3, which is impractical and can be dangerous. Therefore, it’s necessary to use alternative sources of vitamin D. Vitamin E is an amazing antioxidant that can aid skin regeneration and works in combination with squalene oil. Vitamin A increases the production of collagen and elastin and reduces the severity of stretch marks.

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